Deploying Nikola to GitHub
Alright, so this new shiny blog is running nicely on our development machine, but we'd like to share it with the rest of the world. For now, let's go with Github Pages.
Create a personal Github Pages Repository
From the Github Page, create repository with the following name: <Your Github Username>
Initialize a git repository in your Nikola source directory
Now go to your Nikola source directory and run the following commands.
$ git init . $ git remote add origin<Your Github Username>/<Your Github Username>
Setup branches and remotes in
For a github user page (, the default settings should be good to go, but have a look at the following items in
And finally, deploy
Run nikola github_deploy. This should build the site, commit the output folder to the deploy branche, and push to GitHub. Your website should be up and running very soon.