The Self-Taught Programmer

今年の4月に BeProud に入社しました。30代後半で、はじめての転職、そしてはじめてソフトウェアエンジニアとしての仕事となりました。 その前は大学の教職員をやっていましたが、自分のやりたいことが合わなくなって、独学でプログラミングを勉強し始めました。 いわゆる「独学プログラマー」の道を歩んで来ましたが、少し仕事になれたところで簡単に振り返ってみたいと思っています。

(これは BeProud Advent Calendar 2018 24日目の記事です)


Automating Nikola rebuilds with Travis CI

The github_deploy command included with Nikola is nice to have, but you need to have a working build environment to update your blog.

Wouldn't it be much more convenient if we could just write or update a post and see the changes automagically appear on our website? Using continuous integration, we can do just that.


How to get started with Nikola

It's been about 6 months since I've made my career change from teacher to software developer. Time to start a blog to document the things I've learned on and off the job.

To keep it simple, I've picked Nikola to set up this blog. It's a static site generator, ready to roll in a couple of minutes.
